
Code Fellows reading notes

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Class 2 Reading: HTML Text, CSS Introduction, and Basic JavaScript Intructions

In the class 2 reading I will cover the fundamentals and the advance concept of HTML text to better understand why it is important to use semantic elements, the different levels of headings, and the uses of some of the elements.

For the introduction of CSS I will know how to structure a CSS file, the different ways to apply CSS in an HTML file and why to avoid using inline styles.

Then an introduction to JavaScript will be covered, to familiarize with the different data types and the different types of JavaScript operators.

Why is it important to use semantic elements in our HTML?

How many levels of headings are there in HTML?

What are some uses for the <sup> and <sub> elements?

When using the <abbr> element, what attribute must be added to provide the full expansion of the term?

## Things I want to know more about

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