
Code Fellows reading notes

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Text Editor

What is a Text Editor

It is a software that you download or access online to write and manage text that you write to build web sites. Some recommended features to have on your text editor

  1. Code completion: This will allow you to start typing and the code completion feature will display possible suggestions based on what you originally typed.
  2. syntax highlighting: Is a feature that takes the text you type and makes it more noticeable by coloring the text, making attributes a different color than elements, and elements a different color than copy. This will make it easier to read and to find errors.
  3. A variaty of themes (to reduce eye strain and fatigue)
  4. the ability to choose from a healthy selection of extensions available when you need them.

Basic Text vs Code-Specific Editor

Word Processors (Basic) Code Editors
Microsoft Word Github’s Atom
Google Docs Microsoft VS Code
Apple Pages Microsoft Visual Studio

The Terminal

What is the terminal

Also known as the command line interface (cli), it is where you can navugate and do everything just as you would do navigating on the computer files interface. In the terminal you can find files, change directories, move and copy files, open files and make new files and folders.

Basic Navigation Keys

Command Description
PWC present working directory
cd change direction. to move forward
cd Enter to go back to the beggining
cd .. to back out of the folder/directory
ls list
touch create new files
mkdir make directory. to create a new folder
rm remove. to remove a file
rf recursive removal forced
cp to copy
mv move

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