
Code Fellows reading notes

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Code Fellow Documentation

In this file I will be documenting my 102 progress.

Class 1

In class 1 I learn about markdown and how to create an (.md) file. I also learn about Github’s repository, and web publishing.

Read more about class 1 here…

Class 2

In class 2 I was taught how to set up and use the terminal and the use of a text editor in coding, along with the differences between a “word processor” text editor and a “code editor” text editor.

Read more about class 2 here…

Class 3

In class 3 I learn about Git, how to clone my files from Github to my computer, the ACP process, and how to add some navigation between pages on my project.

Read more about class 3 here…

Class 4

In class 4 I learned how to first create a simple wireframe of the outline of my project and the basics and anatomy of HTML.

Read more about class 4 here…

Class 5

in class 5 I learned about CSS. This section showed me how to add color, and style to my page.

Read more about class 5 here…

Class 6

In class 6 i learned how to take a page from static to dynamic by adding simple JavaScript to the page.

I learned how to create a discount code with JavaScript for my page with the help of the below source.

Live Blogger YouTube Page

Read more about class 6 here…